WHAT IS WOMEN WHO JAM? Women Who Jam!®️ is a creative platform that connects artists, fans, and music through live showcases, videos, social media, radio programming, and targeted marketing.
HOW DO I HEAR THE RADIO SHOW? Women Who Jam Radio airs on different stations at various times throughout the week. Get the complete schedule on this website under Radio Lounge … please click “Radio Schedule“
WHERE DO I SEND MY MUSIC? Send your music, mp3 format preferred to womenwhojam@aol.com. Be sure to provide the name of the artist and the title of the song. Correct pronunciation of the artist’s name is also very helpful.
DO YOU ACCEPT MUSIC THAT IS NOT PERFORMED BY FEMALE ARTISTS? The purpose of Women Who Jam!®️ is to promote female artistry, therefore our primary acceptance is music/songs performed by women. However, if the artist performs lead in a non-female group, or is featured in a male/female duet, the music is very highly considered.
HOW DO I PERFORM ON YOUR NEXT SHOW? Please identify yourself when contacting us. If you have an EPK, feel free to send it. You can also visit www.NABFEME.org and check for any activity related to our shows. To stay updated follow Women Who Jam!®️ on social media and visit this website often. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at womenwhojam@aol.com.
HOW DO I GET MORE INFORMATION? Contact us at (901) 236-8439 or email us at womenwhojam@aol.com. Follow, Like and Connect with us on all of the popular Social Media platforms.
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